| Grafills Hus 18:00 – 20:00
Billy Filmvisningen

AVLYST: Filmvisning i BILLY: «Worlds of Ursula K. Le Guin» og «Donna Haraway: Story Telling for Earthly Survival»

For å knekke opp bibliotekets innhold inviterer BILLY til en gratis dobbel filmvisning hos Grafill den 19. oktober. (Arrangementet er avlyst.)

«Worlds of Ursula K. Le Guin» og «Donna Haraway: Story Telling for Earthly Survival» tar for seg to unike historiefortellere, henholdsvis Ursula K. Le Guin, verdensberømt science fiction-forfatter — og Donna Haraway, en bauta innenfor kritisk feminist teori, som jobber som professor ved University of California, Santa Cruz.

Både Le Guin og Haraway fremmer alternativ historiefortelling, og passer således perfekt inn i BILLYs univers. De er for øvrig også inkludert i bokform i BILLY-biblioteket.

Sistnevnte er svært inspirert av Le Guins virke, og det er fascinerende å se hvordan trådene mellom disse to aktørene vikler seg sammen, litt som trådene fra manetene til filmskaper Fabrizio Terranova (som står bak Haraway-filmen) duver gjennom bildene mens Haraway prater (link til trailer under). Tid og rom smelter sammen; fortid og fremtid utforskes; menneskelige og ikke-menneskelige relasjoner diskuteres, samt opplevelse av kjønn, seksualitet, diskriminering og feminisme.


Om filmene:


Worlds of Ursula K. Le Guin

Worlds of Ursula K. Le Guin is a feature documentary exploring the remarkable life and legacy of the late feminist author Ursula K. Le Guin. Best known for groundbreaking science fiction and fantasy works such as A Wizard of Earthsea, The Left Hand of Darkness, and The Dispossessed, Le Guin defiantly held her ground on the margin of “respectable” literature until the sheer excellence of her work, at long last, forced the mainstream to embrace fantastic literature. Her fascinating story has never before been captured on film.

Produced with Le Guin’s participation over the course of a decade, Worlds of Ursula K. Le Guin is a journey through the writer’s career and her worlds, both real and fantastic. Viewers will join the writer on an intimate journey of self-discovery as she comes into her own as a major feminist author, opening new doors for the imagination and inspiring generations of women and other marginalized writers along the way. The film features stunning animation and reflections by literary luminaries including Margaret Atwood, Neil Gaiman, David Mitchell, Michael Chabon, and more.

Trailer til «Worlds of Ursula K. Le Guin»



Donna Haraway: Story Telling for Earthly Survival

Feminist thinker and historian of science Donna Haraway is perhaps best known as the author of two revolutionary works: the essay "A Cyborg Manifesto" and the book Primate Visions. Both set out to upend well-established "common sense" categories: breaking down the boundaries among humans, animals, and machines while challenging gender essentialism and questioning the underlying assumptions of humanity’s fascination with primates through a post-colonial lens.

"Donna Haraway: Story Telling for Earthly Survival" features Haraway in a playful and engaging exploration of her life, influences, and ideas. Haraway is a passionate and discursive storyteller, and the film is structured around a series of discussions held in the California home she helped build by hand, on subjects including the capitalism and the anthropocene (a term she "uses but finds troubling"), science fiction writing as philosophical text, unconventional marital and sexual partnerships, the role of Catholicism in her upbringing, humans and dogs, the suppression of women’s writing, the surprisingly fascinating history of orthodontic aesthetics, and the need for new post-colonial and post-patriarchal narratives. It is a remarkably impressive range, from a thinker with a nimble and curious mind.

Haraway and filmmaker Fabrizio Terranova (who we hear but don't see) are clearly at ease with each other, giving the conversations—which are punctuated by images of artwork and quirky animation—a casual, intimate feel. Terranova makes playful use of green screens to illustrate Haraway's words, or to comment on them. As Haraway discusses storytelling, we see an image of her in the background, writing. When the conversation turns to her own unorthodox personal relationships and the oppressive power of heteronormativity, the redwoods out her window are replaced by a crisp suburban street. Underwater invertebrates, one of Haraway’s fascinations, float by in the background of a room.

"Donna Haraway: Story Telling for Earthly Survival" is a clever and insightful glimpse into the thought of a major contemporary figure.

Trailer til «Donna Haraway: Story Telling for Earthly Survival»:



Dato: Ons 19.10.2022
Tid: 1800 - 2000
Sted: Grafills hus i Møllergata 39, Oslo
Pris: Gratis for alle

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