Creator's Crawl

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There are so many amazing makerspaces in Oslo that we couldn't contain them in a single day tour. So, join Grafill for a full week of exploring the wonderful world of creating and making!

Creator's Crawl is a week-long open house highlighting some of Oslo’s best makerspaces and studios. Each day of the week we travel to a new space and learn more about what they do, what kind of equipment they have, what kind of things you (yes you!) can create there, and nerd out with some of the cool people creating cool things around Oslo. Each space opens their doors to any and everyone and are excited to help you get started on (or finish!) the projects you dream about making.

At the end of the week, we visit Grafill who will explain more about their stipends and how you can apply for funding to cover expenses for creating your next project, as well as get a closer look at their facilities and resources for designers across Norway. 

From silkscreen printing to 3D printing, woodworking, metallurgy, and more – come and see what is available in Oslo and how YOU can start making!

Monday 16 October
Fellesverkstedet, Seilduksgata 29 K, Oslo
17.00-19.00 #

Fellesverkstedet is a non-profit organisation with a single goal: to give artists and creatives access to affordable production facilities. Fellesverkstedet lies in the heart of Grünerløkka and is open for everyone. Fellesverkstedet features professional facilities and experienced workers, and offers workspaces, a skill and competency center, and a meeting place for creatives. Users bring the ideas, and Fellesverkstedet helps them find a solution.

  • What is Fellesverkstedet, and how do you use it?
  • Tour of the facilities with demonstrations in each department
  • Speed consultations with Graham! "Do you have an idea/project in mind, but don't know where to start?"
  • Mingling, drinks and merch!

Tuesday 17 October
Bitraf, Brenneriveien 9, Oslo
17.00-19.00 #

With 300+ members og 54 workspaces, Bitraf is Norway's largest Makerspace and Hackerspace. Bitraf is located along Akerselva directly above Blå, and has 1200m2 with facilities to work in a variety of techniques such as electronics, textiles, woodworking, plastics, metalworking, resin, biochemicals, and more. Bitraf has their own BioLab and a lab for surface mounted electronics. And in the near future, Bitraf will be expanding their tools to include tools for welding, casting, and painting. Check out their Meetup for courses and other events.

  • Drop in for a viewing and see what their members are working with, check out all their incredible equipment, and geek out about the project's you hope to make. 

Grafill members get a discount at Bitraf!

Wednesday 18 October
Kroloftet, Arnljot Gellines Vei 41, Oslo
17.00-19.00 #

Kroloftet is a nonprofit organization and a collective workspace for freelancers and independent professionals in creative sectors. They work with long term development of production and working facilities with shared resources where knowledge is exchanged among various disciplines.

  • Stop by to get a tour of their beautiful spaces along Akerselva, both Kroloftet and the cultural center of Kruttverket. They will present the resources and facilities they have worked hard to create for those in the creative sector.
  • 17.00 Door open
  • 17.30 Short presentation about Kroloftet & Kruttverket, follows with Q&A
  • 18.00-19.00 open tour and mingle!

Grafill members get a discount at Kroloftet!

Thursday 19 October
Norske Grafikeres Verksted, Kalbakkveien 46, Oslo
17.00-19.00 #

Welcome to the Open House at Norske Grafikeres Verksted (NGV), Oslo's only open printmaking studio. NGV, established in 1931, is an artist driven and non-profit shared workspace, with printing presses and equipment for all printmaking techniques: Lithograph, Relief and etching in large format, silkscreen printing, photo polymer, and more. They also offers classes, and once certified you are able to rent the space freely for short or longer periods of time.

  • Stop by for a cup of coffee and have a look! Their studio technician will be available to show you around and explain about all the amazing things you can create at NGV.

Friday 20 October
Grafills hus, Møllergata 39, Oslo
17.00-19.00 #

Last but not least, we finish off Creator's Crawl at Grafills House. We are an organisation for those studying or working within the fields of graphic design, illustration, or visual communication in Norway.  Established in 1991, Grafill's goal is to be a one-stop resource center for designers working in Norway. We are a national organisation with headquarters in Oslo, and have a beautiful location in the heart of Oslo featuring a gallery, workspaces and meeting rooms available for their members. 

  • Stop by after work for a Friday drink and some snacks!
  • 17:30 Hear a short presentation about Grafill's stipends where you can learn about which stipends are relevant for your next project, which can include covering production expenses and more, as well as explain more about the work they do working for designers across the country. And more importantly, provide a cozy atmosphere for everyone to decompress after a long week of inspiration and hard work.