Opptak: Earlynerd: Will machines inherit the earth?

Grafills Hus Earlynerd
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What are the different technologies available to designers today, and what do these technologies actually mean for those in creative pursuits? What are their limitations and weakpoints? Are we safe?

The future is here, people. Robots are taking over the earth – from grocery store check-out to package delivery, accounting and logistics, people all over the world are losing work because of this mechanical menace. But design and creative pursuits will be safe. After all – a robot can’t create what doesn’t exist.


Weeellll it turns out that’s not entirely true. With tools such as Dall-E and Midjourney, artificial intelligence can create artworks and illustrations faster, cheaper, and with imagination. And including new technologies such as NFTs, where you are buying a creation that doesn’t even necessarily exist, and 3D printing, laser cutting, and other incredible machines the question of how relevant designers will be in the future is creeping ever closer.

What do these technologies actually mean for those in creative pursuits? What are their limitations and weakpoints? Are we safe? This is an open panel debate as part of an ongoing series talking about immersive technologies and design. Stay tuned for more events!


Rosa Hernández - Interaction and digital designer, Logic Interactive

Boris Kourtoukov - Artist & Creative Technologist

Jens Brynildsen – Technologist, Bitraf

Benedikte Wallace - Doctoral Research Fellow - RITMO Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Rhythm, Time and Motion (IFI)

This event is held in English.

Earlynerd is an event series for those who want a creative refill before your busy work day starts. This is a place for nerdy discussions, interesting lectures, and socialising with other creatives in the branch. Come and get piping hot coffee, a solid breakfast, and learn something new before you start your day.

Den Uformelle Kaffepraten
Do you want to keep talking with other nerds even after the event is over? Did you have more questions you wanted to ask during the event? Then join us after the formal event up to our lounge area for the informal coffee chat where we encourage everyone, lecturers and audience alike, to keep the good times rolling!

Tickets Attendance:
Free for members of Grafill, and kr. 150,- for non members.

Tickets Stream:
Free for members of Grafill, and kr. 50,- for non members

Register here: app.checkin.no/event/50842/...

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When: Monday 12. December 2022
Time: Breakfast and coffee from 08:00, nerding starts at 08:30
Where: Grafills hus i Møllergata 39, Oslo


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Earlynerd: Will machines inherit the earth?
