| Grafill R21
Love Friction Web

LOVE & Friction an installation by Gilles & Cecilie Studio

Grafill R21 will be divided by an installation of super graphic type painted on plywood, sketches on paper, tools and materials, representing the path from an idea to a visual representation. This installation is to show all the work behind a piece of design.

Love Friction Web

Friction is the clashing between two persons of opposed views. This show is a dedication to exactly that. Opposite views, opposite movements and how this make our works richer, better and stronger. Being partners in love and business, our fights most often is channeled through our work. No detail is undiscussed. The outer factors like deadlines and feedback from commissioners have to be dealt with and this push us to always find a solution in our disagreements.

Ambivalence is a state of having conflicting reactions, beliefs or fellings. The experience of having an attitude towards something that is both positive and negative. Synonyms are conflicted, doubtful, questioning, uncertain. With this work we deliberately search for this state to create an installation about all these feelings that occur in creative process, in daily life. The word ambivalent has been sketches, digitally drawn, printed, crushed, thrashed, opened again, folded, photographed, re-drawn to finally be painted in its current form with twists, folds, imperfections, almost inflated in the middle to gain strength again towards the end.

Program: Workshops and Live drawing
Gilles & Cecilie very often engage with their audience when creating artwork and have made a program for participants to take part in throughout the exhibition:

17. oktober - The Travelling Drawing Club No: 47

19. oktober - Workshop: Bokbinding med Cecilie Barstad

24. oktober - Live Drawing
Fra klokka 16.00 - 18.00 kan publikum komme innom og sitte 10-15 minutter for å bli tegnet. Cecilie startet prosjektet ‘365 portraits’ i 2019 der målet er å tegne 365 portretter over et års periode. Tegningene blir en del av utstillingen og prosjektet. Book ditt kvarter hvis du vil bli tegnet via epost gillesandcecilie@me.com

26. oktober - Workshop: Boxmaking with Cecilie Barstad (AVLYST)

Research & Development
Gilles & Cecilie are interested in bringing large scale words, graphics and colours to public spaces. Since they received the grant to exhibit at Grafill they have been determined to follow principles of creating supergraphics into their commissioned works. Examples like Red Cross Heart in the City Wall and Entrance, Seeing Possibilities, Realising Dreams for Willow Dene School and Ulvenparaden for OBOS, all large scale works that add personality, uniqueness and visibility in the public sphere.

About Gilles & Cecilie Studio
Gilles Jourdan and Cecilie Maurud Barstad met at Central Saint Martins and founded their studio in 2006. They are a multi-disciplinary team providing illustration, large scale murals, environmental design, animations and dimensional installations. They work on the border of art and design and have with their signature geometric patterns, vibrant lettering and super graphic type been commissioned by corporations, institutions worldwide. Their designs are playful and make a real statement when people meet their works. With their colourful pieces they help make spaces unique.

About super graphics
The term “super graphics” has been associated with exhibitions, building facades and art installations. It is used to describe large-scale graphics, typography and imagery that embellish walls or other large surfaces - and lately variety of applications of these mega graphics have increased over the recent years. Now, supergraphics are used to brighten up hospital wards, school halls, community centres and public spaces. Clever, intricate wayfinding and graphics lead visitors through train stations and gallery spaces, or huge, illustrative murals make a political statement when printed on the wall of a dilapidated building in a run-down part of a city. (Ref: Article in Design Week on the Thames and Hudson Book Supergraphics: how colour, imagery and type can transform public spaces By Sarah Dawood February 22, 2018).

Exhibiton opening Thursday 10th of October at 6 p.m.
Grafill R21, Rosenkrantz gate 21, Oslo



Magasin: Couples who work together - Gilles & Cecilie


Åpningstale #

Velkommen til Grafills R21 og åpningen av denne utstillingen.

LOVE&Friction an installation by Gilles & Cecilie Studio. Jeg heter Lene Renneflott og er daglig leder i Grafill.

Det er så utrolig gøy når vi får ha disse stipendutstillingene her i R21. Særlig når vi har utstillinger som søker å vise hva prosess er. Og ikke bare det ferdige produkt. Denne utstillingen skal vise alt det arbeidet som ligger bak et ferdig design.

Love&Friction er en utstilling som går inn i, ikke bare den kreative prosessen, men den alltid pågående kreative prosessen til Gilles og Cecilie. Ofte snakker man om en kreativ prosess som om det er en oppskrift eller en metode eller en kode som kan knekkes en gang og så følger man den bare alltid deretter og det vil lede til et godt produkt. Men sånn er det jo veldig sjelden. På samme måte som om det sjelden er et ensomt geni som skaper i et eget tomrom. For er det ikke nettopp i konfliktene løsningene bor? Og det å samarbeide, det å jobbe sammen, det å skape sammen gir et stort rom for utfordring og kanskje dermed både løft, og løsning. Tosomhet eller team er en spennende konstellasjon å utforske i en kreativ prosess. Alle har vi hørt en eller annen gang, don’t mix business and pleasure, ikke jobb sammen med en du er gift med. Her ser vi beviset på det motsatte. Når noen lever det de lager og lager det de lever, sammen med den de lever sammen med utfordrer man til slutt kanskje ikke bare hverandre eller seg selv, men også hele den kreative prosessen. Friksjon er spennende. Og kjærlighet likeså.

Tusen takk Gilles og Cecilie for at dere ville komme og gjøre denne utstillingen her hos oss.

– Lene Renneflott, daglig leder i Grafill